The Inspection management Software
InspectionSite is a cloud-based software solutions to conduct all types of digital inspections and appraisals, attaching photos and videos, and generating customized reports that can be stored and shared with customers and back offices.
● Create your reports with the tap of a button!
● Fully-customizable layout and forms
● Web-App for iOS, Android, Microsoft
● High-resolution photos and videos
● Statistics and analytics
● Data stored securely to the cloud and readily available
or contact us for more information
The data of the data controller – Orangedev S.r.l. – are as follows: Tax Code and VAT number 06689280482, registered office in Via Panciatichi 40 – 50127 Florence, Tel: (+39) 095 483682, E-mail:, PEC: You can contact the data protection officer, designated by the owner pursuant to art. 37 of the GDPR, by writing to your attention at the headquarters of the owner, or by e-mail at the address:
The Inspection management Software
InspectionSite is a cloud-based software solutions to conduct all types of digital inspections and appraisals, attaching photos and videos, and generating customized reports that can be stored and shared with customers and back offices.
● Create your reports with the tap of a button!
● Fully-customizable layout and forms
● Web-App for iOS, Android, Microsoft
● High-resolution photos and videos
● Statistics and analytics
● Data stored securely to the cloud and readily available

Plan your activities

Inspections via app

Send the pdf report

Share in the cloud
InspectionSite is Green
Every year, thanks to the digitalization of our reports, we save a significant amount of CO2
by contributing to a healthy global ecosystem. Paperless, all in the Cloud.
One full-grown tree can absorb 22 kg of CO2 per year.

CO2 saved emission

Equivalent trees
InspectionSite è Green
Ogni anno, attraverso la digitalizzazione dei nostri report, risparmiamo una quantità considerevole di CO2
dando il nostro contributo al miglioramento dell’ecosistema globale. Zero carta, tutto in Cloud.
Un albero adulto, ogni anno, riesce ad assorbire 25 kg di CO2

CO2 risparmiata

Equivalente alberi
InspectionSite è Green
Ogni anno, attraverso la digitalizzazione dei nostri report, risparmiamo una quantità considerevole di CO2
dando il nostro contributo al miglioramento dell’ecosistema globale. Zero carta, tutto in Cloud.
Un albero adulto, ogni anno, riesce ad assorbire 25 kg di CO2

CO2 risparmiata

Equivalente alberi
Planning inspections
Streamline and optimise your inspection planning procedures, let your inspection team easily access inspection plans using a safe and user-friendly web interface that runs on all web browsers.
Plan and share with your team
Create short-term or long-term inspection plans and integrate them with calendars for immediate visualization by your colleagues.
In line with your ERP scheduling
Integrate your InspectionSite with internal or 3rd-party systems
using our API services and create pre-filled reports based on your activity planning, ensuring minimal manual data entry.
Every team to their own reports
Inspection reports will only by accessible to designated assignees, be it internal or external inspection teams.

Collecting data by App
Our app is the ideal tool to compile your inspection reports on site and to collect photos and evidence in an orderly manner even while offline.
Fast report compilation
Streamline and speed up your field techs’ inspections with our intuitive
interface that enables inspection teams to neatly collect data and to submit reports within minutes of the inspection.
Photos, videos and voice notes
You can capture visual media associated to your inspection from your
camera or photo library, store it neatly and call out all your date/time, and GPS-stamped images at all times, as they are automatically item-coded. Add annotations and drawings to images if need be.
Geotagged inspections
Geotagged inspections can be visualized on map on InspectionSite Portal.
Everything you need during an inspection
Our software allows on-site technicians to call out a previous inspection reports, thus allowing them to comapare with current one to track trends and gauge non-compliance indicators on the basis of field data.

Inspection reports and data analysis
Within minutes of the inspection, a report is auto-generated that is ready for dispatch. The system updates trends, KPIs and statistics that back-office teams and customers can immediately access.
Issue a PDF report in a matter of minutes
After the inspection, your report is already signed and ready for dispatch. No more saving reports on your PC or printing them out for sign-off, reduce paper waste
and dispatch time!
Transform data into meaningful information
You can track trends, KPIs and key metrics based on
field data on our dashboards or embed them into your proprietary operating systems.
A robust and highly secure platform
Our inspection management software runs within a secure and
cutting-edge technology infrastructure. All data is encrypted, stored to the cloud and readily available for reference.

Why InspectionSite brings benefits to your business
Streamline your inspection reports
Streamline and optimise data collection procedures using fully customizable templates based on the needs of on-site technicians and inspectors.
Save time
Our software let on-site staff to save precious time during evidence collection and inspection report
creation, which are required activities for auditing, though time-consuming. Inspectors no longer need to manually identyfing and arrange photos, collate data and embed them into a Word template.
Boost productivity and cost-effectiveness
Boost your business productivity by implementing an all-encompassing system that provides an audit trail and by digitizing your inspection reports whilst keeping them simple. Reducing the time needed for issuing an inspection report translates into cutting hourly inspection costs, thus allowing on site staff to perform multiple inspections on the same day.
Enhance the effectiveness of your inspections
Thanks to InspectionSite, communicating the results of your inspections is instantaneous, thus decreasing response time in terms of corrective action needed to address any non-compliance issues found and enforce compliance. Quickly dispatch the major findings of your inspections by supplying relevant data to designated assignees at the right time.
Minimise risks and enforce compliance
All of the above results into smoother and more adequate handling of non-compliance and more effective risk reduction.

Streamline your inspection reports
Streamline and optimise data collection procedures using fully customizable templates based on the needs of on-site technicians and inspectors.
Save time
Our software let on-site staff to save precious time during evidence collection and inspection report
creation, which are required activities for auditing, though time-consuming. Inspectors no longer need to manually identyfing and arrange photos, collate data and embed them into a Word template.
Boost productivity and cost-effectiveness
Boost your business productivity by implementing an all-encompassing system that provides an audit trail and by digitizing your inspection reports whilst keeping them simple. Reducing the time needed for issuing an inspection report translates into cutting hourly inspection costs, thus allowing on site staff to perform multiple inspections on the same day.
Enhance the effectiveness of your inspections
Thanks to InspectionSite, communicating the results of your inspections is instantaneous, thus decreasing response time in terms of corrective action needed to address any non-compliance issues found and enforce compliance. Quickly dispatch the major findings of your inspections by supplying relevant data to designated assignees at the right time.
Minimise risks and enforce compliance
All of the above results into smoother and more adequate handling of non-compliance and more effective risk reduction.
Store your data
elements for 3 years
Your reports are always available in the cloud along with their embedded images, videos and files captured during an inspection. Cloud storage lasts for 3 years or for the time specified in the legislation.
Our customers
It is the ideal tool for those who operate in:
● Quality inspections and expediting services
● Electrical services, fire extinguisher and lift maintenance services
● Maintenance of green areas
● Video surveillance
● Insurance valuations and marine surveying
● Privacy audit
● Drone inspections
Request Demo
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The data of the data controller – Orangedev S.r.l. – are as follows: Tax Code and VAT number 06689280482, registered office in Via Panciatichi 40 – 50127 Florence, Tel: (+39) 095 483682, E-mail:, PEC: You can contact the data protection officer, designated by the owner pursuant to art. 37 of the GDPR, by writing to your attention at the headquarters of the owner, or by e-mail at the address: