InspectionSite is Zero Carbon Footprint
We do our part in reducing the impact of your activities on the environment.
How InspectionSite helps you to reduce your Corporate Carbon Footprint

100% renewable energy

622 CO2 saved emissions

22 saved trees
Following the ISO 14040/14044

Turned off when not used
Following the ISO 14040/14044
Do you know what the Carbon Footprint is?
The carbon footprint represents the calculation in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced over the entire life cycle of a product, service or process. Transportation and logistics, production of goods, energy consumption, heating and the individual daily actions of each of us take a toll in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, thus global warming on the planet.
Reducing these gases helps to fight climate change and preserve our planet’s natural resources to ensure a more sustainable future not only for us, but especially for future generations.

InspectionSite is Zero Carbon Footprint
We do our part in reducing the impact of your activities on the environment.
How InspectionSite helps you to reduce your Corporate Carbon Footprint

100% renewable energy

622 CO2 saved emissions

22 saved trees
Following the ISO 14040/14044

Turned off when not used
Following the ISO 14040/14044
We help improve your carbon footprint
By fully digitizing inspection reports and saving data and documents in the cloud, InspectionSite contributes to Carbon Footprint reduction by in its turn helping companies and their employees in giving a concrete answer to the following question:
How can I contribute to help my planet?
How much does it contribute?
In two years 2422 inspections has been carried out by using InspectionSite, with an average of about 44 pages per inspection report.
Each sheet of paper used to prepare an inspection report has a not negligible cost for our planet: following the ISO 14040/14044 standard, the production of one A4 sheet from producer to consumer generates about 4.64g (1.02 pounds) of CO2.
To date, the use of this solution has saved the emission of about 500kg of CO2 into the air
If you had wondered how much 500kg (1102,31 pounds) of CO2 correspond to, here is the answer. An adult tree can offset on avarage just 22kg (48,50 pounds) of CO2 per year. So, on balance, we should plant as many as 23 trees to offset 500kg (1102,31 pounds) of CO2.
Here is the answer to your question!
We cannot overlook these figures at all, considering how large the ICT (Testing, Inspection, Certification) market is in the world: in 2019 it was estimated to be worth about $233 billion, with a growing trend.
- Agro Industry
- Food Industry
- Pharmaceuticals
- Chemical Industry
- Oil and Gas
- Infrastructures
- Maritime
In fact, the problem is that it is still today a common and widespread practice in non-digitized companies
and inspection agencies to draft reports on paper and print out copies to be signed by the various
stakeholders and then stored them on some shelf with all the attached documentation. Not to mention
number of reviews issued on a report that follow the same process.
Can you imagine how much kilogrmas of CO2 could be reduced using software like InspectionSite?

InspectionSite is green also thanks to its infrastructure and mode of use

It is a cloud-based software and it has near-zero emissions as such (not even close to those of a dedicated physical server) because they are powered by 100% renewable sources

It turnes on only when it is used and it automatically turns off immediately after its use
But this is still not enough for us!
We will try further to optimize and improve this issue because, like many of you, we care about the health
of our planet and have no other way but to contribute by developing a product that leads the way when it
comes to minimize the emission of Carbon Footprints into the air.