
InspectionSite for naval inspections and appraisals

InspectionSite is a cloud-based software that enables marine surveyors and technicians to digitally document inspections and appraisals of naval vessels with photos, videos, voice notes, and geolocate them or place them on a floor plan.

The inspection reports are ready right at the end of the inspection, are securely stored in the cloud and can be promptly shared with the back office or the client.


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CF Sectors Naval_EN

Data processing policy

The data of the data controller – Orangedev S.r.l. – are as follows: C.F. and P.IVA 06689280482, registered office in Via Panciatichi 40 – 50127 Florence, Tel:(+39) 095 483682, E-mail:, PEC: You can contact the data protection officer, designated by the owner pursuant to Article 37 of the GDPR, by writing to his attention at the owner’s registered office, or by e-mail at:

Software for Inspections and Appraisals in Maritime industry

Plan inspections and efficiently organize your naval surveyors team. Save time in inspection report drafting, reduce errors, and provide shipowners and shipyards with better quality and faster report delivery service.

pianifica le attività

Plan your activities

ispeziona tramite app

Inspections via app

invii il report pdf

Send the pdf report

condividi in cloud

Share in the cloud

How our clients use InspectionSite in Maritime Industry

InspectionSite is the ideal cloud-based software for organizations and companies dealing with inspections, surveys, and maintenances of vessels and ships. These activities demand professionalism and high-quality standards, combining both on-field and back-end operations.

Pre-purchase, insurance, or new unit delivery inspections and surveys.

Industrial (piping) and naval inspections in the field of corrosion and protective coating.

Routine maintenance inspections of vessels.

Inspections and surveys following maritime accidents or damage caused by third parties.

Why does InspectionSite improve your company’s productivity?

  • Improvement of inspections workflow management
  • Enhanced professionalism thanks to a standardized and customized Report
  • Photos and video automatically tagged and attached to inspected codes
  • Filling out Reports through the App directly on site, even offline
  • Efficiently storing reports and documentation in a secure cloud environment
  • Easy sharing high resolution photos and videos with customers

Store your data
elements for 3 years

Your reports are always available in the cloud along with their embedded images, videos and files captured during an inspection. Cloud storage lasts for 3 years or for the time specified in the legislation.

Why InspectionSite brings benefits to your business

Streamline your inspection reports

Streamline and optimise data collection procedures using fully customizable templates based on the needs of on-site technicians and inspectors.

Save time and paper

Our software let on-site staff to save precious time during evidence collection and inspection report creation, which are required activities for auditing, though time-consuming. Inspectors no longer need to manually identyfing and arrange photos, collate data and embed them into a Word template or paper sheet.

Boost productivity and cost-effectiveness

Boost your business productivity by implementing an all-encompassing system that provides an audit trail and by digitizing your inspection reports whilst keeping them simple. Reducing the time needed for issuing an inspection report translates into cutting hourly inspection costs, thus allowing on site staff to perform multiple inspections on the same day.

Enhance the effectiveness of your inspections

Thanks to InspectionSite, communicating the results of your inspections is instantaneous, thus decreasing response time in terms of corrective action needed to address any non-compliance issues found and enforce compliance. Quickly dispatch the major findings of your inspections by supplying relevant data to designated assignees at the right time.

Minimise risks and enforce compliance

All of the above results into smoother and more adequate handling of non-compliance and more effective risk reduction.

InspectionSite tablet

Streamline your inspection reports

Streamline and optimise data collection procedures using fully customizable templates based on the needs of on-site technicians and inspectors.

Save time and paper

Our software let on-site staff to save precious time during evidence collection and inspection report creation, which are required activities for auditing, though time-consuming. Inspectors no longer need to manually identyfing and arrange photos, collate data and embed them into a Word template or paper sheet.

Boost productivity and cost-effectiveness

Boost your business productivity by implementing an all-encompassing system that provides an audit trail and by digitizing your inspection reports whilst keeping them simple. Reducing the time needed for issuing an inspection report translates into cutting hourly inspection costs, thus allowing on site staff to perform multiple inspections on the same day.

Enhance the effectiveness of your inspections

Thanks to InspectionSite, communicating the results of your inspections is instantaneous, thus decreasing response time in terms of corrective action needed to address any non-compliance issues found and enforce compliance. Quickly dispatch the major findings of your inspections by supplying relevant data to designated assignees at the right time.

Minimise risks and enforce compliance

All of the above results into smoother and more adequate handling of non-compliance and more effective risk reduction.

InspectionSite è Green

Ogni anno, attraverso la digitalizzazione dei nostri report, risparmiamo una quantità considerevole di CO2
dando il nostro contributo al miglioramento dell’ecosistema globale. Zero carta, tutto in Cloud.
Un albero adulto, ogni anno, riesce ad assorbire 25 kg di CO2


 CO2 risparmiata


Equivalente alberi


Notarization based on the blockchain allows you to certify, sign and securely share the reports of your inspections by providing them with certain dates, proof of paternity and immutability over time.